Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lawrence Talking points...

Lawrence argues that sure, its great to make the change to desegregate schools but that is just the foundation to this sand castle of little grains. We need to understand that all this change cannot come at once, people need to accept that change is a progression and a slow one if it is done correctly. It goes beyond words and new rules, it is actions as well as dicipline. You cant just wake up one morning and say okay the world has changed, because that is the furthest from reality. We also need to embrace the idea that no matter how much change is implanted into our world, there will still be a select few who feel the necessity to combat this change through and through. This, once again, is reality that we must face.

"In 1954 we believed that school integration would break down racist attitudes by bringing white and black children together."......Once again this is also an issue much like Kozol and connecting to Tim wise. Clearly it is a good idea but racism goes way past good ideas, we cannot put another band-aid on a broken leg. Change needs to occur and reoccur..not just a quick fix.

"The mere placement of black and white children in the same school does not remove that brand imprinted by years of segregation."

This quote hit exactly on the head of how I feel about this whole situation. It basically is saying that we cannot just say ok, everything is fixed, lets move on from here...it doesnt work that way...this issue is like kneeding dough, oyu cant just roll over it once, it need to be worked over and over again to become one flat surface..one equal playing field for all races.

"We must devise and demand remedies that go beyond mere pupil placement."

We need to recognize that the problem of racism occurs outside of school and we need to say the right words in order for that change to occur. Things dont just happen by one change in events. It is a process and with that process change will follow. We need to 1) recognize our problem 2) say the right words to process the changes 3) take actions on our words because ultimately words are nothing without actions.

Tim Wise...Talking points..

Tim Wise makes a good argument when he say that those who are in the dominant race tend to neglect the idea that racism still exists. Those who are not reminded on a regular day-to-day basis forget about these occurences. Once again, we are reminded from previous pieces that this lack of understanding and taking part is just putting another band-aid on a broken leg. In that way he connects to Kozol but he also connects to Delpit with the codes of power and Johnson with the initiative to speak out and make a change.

"So even the truly talented students of color will be unable to access those extra points simply because of where they live." This quote is so true and yet so sad. I even see it in the Elementary school that I teach at. I see some kids there that are so great and are so smart but unfortunately the odds are stacked against them. I came from a private catholic school my whole life and I've seen kids get into different things or onto different teams just by who they knew or their social status. Its so aggravating to see that happening when those kids don't care to have the potential they just have the right status to excel.

Monday, March 23, 2009


" In the Service of What?"

The two main points in Kahne and Westheimer reguarding "in the service of What?", are service learning as CHARITY and as CHANGE. They argue that both are just as necessary and crucial in order for service learning to be an effective approach to education.

When I think if Charity I think of giving material things to better a community or eductional resources. It promotes a sense of sympathy, however it also provides temporary relief.  Of course it is a good thing to do by all means but like the issue with Kozol, its alot like putting a band-aid on a broken leg. Charity leads to the thought of giving and donations. Even though it doesnt have to be material items, charity often in related to that more than a person giving themselves to improve a cause. Charity seems to be done because there is a slight idea that it is good and one "should"

Change has a slighty different connotation to it. It is more long term and there is a connection to deep community building. There is a more frequent presence when change is concerned because there  is a "want" rather than a should. Change also ties in with more of a educational and informative standpoint. 

"You can give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, or you can teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime."....Charity vs. Change

"Service learning makes student active participants in service projects that aim to respond to the needs of the community while furthering the academic goals of students."

This quote puts the argument in the simpliest of terms that service learning provides anyone with skills and adaptations that will last for life. It improve and boots their ethics on how people should be aided especially in the education of children.

"The approach to service learning is taken by Mr. Johnson stresses charity in ways in which participating in service learning and reflection can develop students sense of altruism."

Service learning is an excellent and effective tool to educate those about the effectiveness of service learning and the well-being/ education of others. I like this quote because it proves that this is a cause for only good. What bad can come out of this? The children are learning and also being taught compassion.

Overall I feel as though service should start with children at a young age. There is no better feeling than the feeling that you have changed someones outlook or impressions of life and learning, service learning provides that...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Unlearning the myths that blind us

The issue being argues here is that much of what we have been taught on how to see ourselves and others is hidden in messages of the media and cartoons. I remember watching cartoons as a kid, not thinking anything of what I saw other than bright colors and animals that made my saturdays more enjoyable.  It wasnt until  I got older that I began to realize some of the differentiations in the characters. All of the Disney Princesses are skinny and beautiful with bright eyes, slim waste and curves. the princes are always tall, well mannered, well dressed and handsome. There is much controversy on whether it has an effect on young children who are watching, my opinion...No. I truly believe that it is not the cartoons themselves that sway a childs opinion on what is "ideal" but i do however feel that it is the constant media outreach to children with make up kits for girls and dolls such as the BRATZ dolls. Seriously I would never allow my daughter to go out and wear clothing like that. Thats not how kids dress, thats not even how teens dress. Its how strippers and hookers dress. As far as the women characters always having feminine flare and girly interested being contradicting, I dont feel it is...Okay so they say well my daughter is a Lesbian and I feel that it was hard for her childhood seeing that all the cartoon women were feminine. I understand the point but in all honesty, if cartoons started making more choppy style women there would be even more question and controversy. The thing is cognitive development is essential at the childhood age and if the media began promoting more flamboyant male characters and less girly female characters children would question why they like toy cars or why girls like fluffy pink stuffed animals. Now when I say this next thing I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression...I feel as though being gay is not a normal phenomenon, when I say this I mean that it doesnt occur on a regular basis, sure there are many people who are gay and bisexual, but the majority are straight. Don't get me wrong those who are gay or bisexual are NORMAL and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. IT should be accepted however I feel that it is important to acknowledge the differences between male and female especially with toys and cartoons. Pink for girls Blue for boys, but in any case if your son picks out a pick thermos or your daughter picks out blue rain boots, there is absolutely nothing wrong with those choices. As important as it is to keep these differences, it is just as important to accept and encourage that behavior to show that their choices are not wrong. 
"If the race of the character is the only thing changing, the injustices will still remain." No matter what color you change the character the same issues will still arise, they will still be in distress, pretty and in search for true love. When Walt Disney created his characters he wasn't concerned with the race controversy, because back then it was considered "ideal" and "normal". Yes, times have changed but there is no reason why these cartoons should be getting all the back lash. I love Disney and I have nothing against anything tat he has created. In fact if his movies seemed racist its only because we see things differently now in today's standards but back then that was normal and not considered what we see now...sorry guys that's how I feel.