Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tim Wise...Talking points..

Tim Wise makes a good argument when he say that those who are in the dominant race tend to neglect the idea that racism still exists. Those who are not reminded on a regular day-to-day basis forget about these occurences. Once again, we are reminded from previous pieces that this lack of understanding and taking part is just putting another band-aid on a broken leg. In that way he connects to Kozol but he also connects to Delpit with the codes of power and Johnson with the initiative to speak out and make a change.

"So even the truly talented students of color will be unable to access those extra points simply because of where they live." This quote is so true and yet so sad. I even see it in the Elementary school that I teach at. I see some kids there that are so great and are so smart but unfortunately the odds are stacked against them. I came from a private catholic school my whole life and I've seen kids get into different things or onto different teams just by who they knew or their social status. Its so aggravating to see that happening when those kids don't care to have the potential they just have the right status to excel.

1 comment:

  1. I've noticed now more than I ever have before how hard white people try to ignore/deny/avoid the issues of racism and privilege. It's weird because I've heard things like "oh Hispanic people are working more than white people are now" and "black kids are getting into colleges easier than white kids are with affirmative action" and it sounds so ignorant to me now. Like the people saying those things hardly know what they're talking about at all.
