Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anita hill is a Boy

I love her argument that gender should be equally accounted for within a classroom setting. It should be implemented at a young age therefore there is no superiority battle between men and women later on in life. Those parents who freak out if their son chooses a more femanine color or toy over a matchbox car need to rethink how they react to their child's choices because that can be just as detrimental. I do however believe in some form of guidence as to gender role as far as dolls, shoes, colorful toys, and mak-up for girls and cars, sports, and dump trucks. However as much as this guidence is important it is also important to embrace if they choose otherwise.

""If i told them I was interested in women's history, theyd call me a fag, so i just take it and dont talk about it."....This quote angered me because I hate the idea that what people say controls who you choose to be as a person. Words hurt especially from people your age. I went through so much shit in high school with what people said about my body shape, being thick, i changed so much to a point where i was in an intensive care unit\ rehab center because of "words" and the idea that women are all supposed to be the shape of elegant ballerinas. 

"When boys feel like they're being forced to admire women they pick one that they behaves sort of like a man. Thats what they can best relate to."...I like this quote, I grew up with boys my whole life and they always tried to out-do their manliness and it was so funny to sit back and watch it all as a girls perspective. I feel like it is just a male instinct to be that way, it is true that you tend to classify yourself with what you know...both males and females.

"Some educators are developing strategies to break down gender and race hierarchies in cooperative learning groups."...Every person develops their mind differently. Even though it is a good idea in theory to break down these hierarchies different learning and viewing strategies need to be taken into account. Its not wrong but there is far more to it than just a "break down".


  1. i agree because it is sad on how females do not get recognize for nothing. That makes me mad because girls do as much as boys but no one see that. We should do something about that

  2. I'm not sure if I'd go so far as to say women don't get recognized for anything. Most of my professors are women, look at the last two Secretaries of State. I think visibility and credit for women as far as that goes has come a long way. Or maybe it hasn't. I could just enjoy being contrary.
