There was a conference held in the Student Union from 10:00 am till 5:00pm. It was an all day event but split up into different sections. I went to the event at noon. It was session two titled Diversity.
I wasn't sure quite what to expect from this conference at first. I wasn't sure if it would be just facts or stories or idea swapping. I was very surprised at how much I really enjoyed it. I felt engaged in what they had to say. The main idea was how diversity can bring in a whole new realm of ideas and contributions to not only the workplace but schools, community, and government as well. IT was put into terms that diversity wasn't just a word that could be spoken about, rather a word that should be built on change. There is no reason why we cannot add these ideas to our regular lifestyle. Rather than point out the differences, accept and embrace them. The enforced the ideas that our world can grow much more efficiently if diversity becomes a part of our lives.
I find nothing wrong with bringing about diversity into our society, actually i see it as very beneficial. I have always wondered what it would be like to be a different race or have a different accent or live in a different country. I'm sure many people have wondered that as well. Well, if we continue to accept the ideas of diversity and act upon those ideas then we will have real life examples of the differences we once though about in ourselves. Diversity should be big in schools, children should be able to feel comfortable whenever they are in a diverse setting and by starting them off young they will adapt and it will become part of their regular routine.
This event made me realize that when i finally do become a teacher I will embrace and promote diversity as much and as well as i can. I will put posters up showing diversity, teach about, do activities. Each little thing counts and I want to be that someone who makes that little difference. Children today, especially now need to lean on a good foundation if they want to get a good understanding of how the world should be rather than how it has been.
I am so glad you got a lot out of this event. What connections do you see to our class readings and content? WOuld have loved to hear more.